22 research outputs found


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    This paper discusses a network-analysis approach to the performance control of integrated built-environment systems based on efficiency, effectiveness, and adequacy. We apply this perspective to the governance of systems of local transport companies in built environments, which are frequently organized as networks. To this end, we propose a multi-dimensional grid of first- and second-order ties to locate network units and individuate the adequacy or appropriateness of network structures for performance control. In this field, issues connected to transport systems such as sustainability play a crucial role in defining structures and processes of network performance control. We empirically examine a pilot case of local public transport companies in the Forlì-Cesena area (Italy), testing network adequacy and giving evidence for the optimal localization of governance among units dedicated to providing transport services. Our results also support the hypothesis that, although structural centralization was ostensibly oriented towards increasing governance, the structure actually devolved into decentralized control at the periphery of the network, diminishing the effectiveness of initiatives

    A computational model for real-time calculation of electric field due to transcranial magnetic stimulation in clinics

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    The aim of this paper is to propose an approach for an accurate and fast (real-time) computation of the electric field induced inside the whole brain volume during a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) procedure. The numerical solution implements the admittance method for a discretized realistic brain model derived from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Results are in a good agreement with those obtained using commercial codes and require much less computational time. An integration of the developed codewith neuronavigation toolswill permit real-time evaluation of the stimulated brain regions during the TMSdelivery, thus improving the efficacy of clinical applications

    A novel plasma jet with RF and HF coupled electrodes

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    In order to achieve low processing temperature and efficient coatings deposition for manufacturing applications, a novel torch has been developed that couples in a double DBD design high frequency (HF ~17 kHz) and radio frequency (RF ~27 MHz) excitations. The design allows to obtain a stable RF plasma also in reactive processes and with the possibility to control on the treated substrates ions flux and surface charging, avoiding the micro-discharges. The plasma has been electrically and optically characterized by emission spectroscopy

    Treatments of honey bee colonies affected by Varroa destructor in organic apiculture

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    The organic honey bee productions are provided for in the EU Regulation 1804/99. Notwithstanding the beekeeping industry deserves a considerable economic importance to the whole organic market of the EU, limited action is paid in favour of the organic beekeeping. A noticeable exception to this are the huge research efforts on the disease control, which is mainly due to the lack of useful and not contaminating remedies against severe pests hitting the honey bees in the whole EU. To avoid the honey contamination with treatment residues is paramount and fosters researche on soft chemicals like oxalic acid, which is of utmost impor-tance not only in organic, but also in conventional contexts. The Authors are presenting here a synthetic review on the treatments against the varroosis with OA and on their research to optimise the use of the substance in different Italian environments

    Alcuni problemi igienici legati all'industria delle ceramiche. Parte 2°- Riflessi dell'inquinamento atmosferico sullo stato di salute della popolazione.

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    Una vasta indagine copndotta nella popolazione scolastica del comprensorio modenese delle ceramiche ha dimostrato che la contaminazione ambientale da piombo nell'area considerata determina un sensibile aumento dell'assorbimento del metallo, docunmentato da significativi incrementi dei valori della piomburia e dell'ALA urinario rispetto a gruppi omogenei di controllo. Alle suddette variazioni si associa con una certa sistematicità una maggiore frequenza di disturbi comportamentali.Relativamente alla popolazione adulta, la prevalenza di abortività nel comune di Sassuolo è probabilmente da ricondursi all'elevato numeron di donne occupate nell'industria ceramica dove al notevole impegno fisico si sovrappone, come fattore di rischio aggiuntivo, l'assorbimento di composti piombiferi

    Angiostrongylus vasorum in 20 cani della provincia di Chieti, Italia

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    A seguito di un caso di Angiostrongylus vasorum, diagnosticato all’inizio del 2008 nella provincia di Chieti, è stata organizzata una ricerca parassitologica al fine di indagare la presenza del parassita nei cani nella stessa area. Da gennaio a settembre 2008 sono stati esaminati 178 cani, 56 carcasse e 122 campioni di feci. Nelle carcasse sono stati ricercati i parassiti adulti nel ventricolo destro e nell’arteria polmonare e le forme larvali in tessuti di organi interni e cervello. Nelle feci è stata ricercata la forma larvale L1 con tre metodiche diagnostiche utilizzate correntemente per la ricerca di endoparassiti e larve di strongili broncopolmonari. Sono stati diagnosticati 20 casi (8,9%) con identificazione di parassiti adulti in 5 cani e larve L1 in altri 15 soggetti. L’esame anatomopatologico delle carcasse dei cani con nematodi adulti ha evidenziato polmonite, pleurite, schiuma rossastra in trachea, versamento di liquido sieroemorragico in cavità toracica e ingrossamento di linfonodi medinici e meseraici. L’esame istologico dei tessuti ha evidenziato quadri gravi e sovrapponibili con lesioni da localizzazione dei parassiti in reni, linfonodi e cervello. Il numero cospicuo di casi riscontrati ha reso indispensabile considerare l’angiostrongilosi nelle diagnosi differenziali degli esami clinici e autoptici di cani della provincia di Chieti (Italia) e dei territori confinanti